Campaign to get hearing loops working video

Going into shops section:

This section follows a man who is trying to see which shops have a hearing loop. As it is now a requirement under the 2010 equality act to have a hearing loop it was surprising to see how many shops were unaware, didn’t have one or didn’t have a working hearing loop.

This section was particularly effective because it showed how many people were unaware of what a hearing loop was and also how many didn’t know how to woek it. The statistics used made it obvious how many people in the UK are affected by hearing impairment and how obvious it is that not enough people are aware how to make the lives of people with hearing aids easier.

How a hearing loop works section:

This section helped to give some detail about how a portable hearing loop system works. This is a good thing to have included because it means that as long as it is in simple enough terms it gives everyone a general idea of how it works.

The section allows people to know that there is a portable version of a hearing loop and that it is easy to use. The fact that the sound quality is made to match what a hearing impaired person would have heard means that a wider selection of people are able to understand what a difference a working hearing loop can make.

Theatre section:

The theatre section follows a young woman who is experiencing what it is like to go and watch the auditions of the ‘Wizard of Oz’ . The fact that she is younger makes her more relatable and the setting is somewhere that a lot of people go quite regularly. Again to be able to hear the difference makes it more understandable.

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